6 Interior Design Tips to Make Your Small Home Feel Bigger

If you live in an apartment, studio, or any other small home, maximising the space you have available is a must. Failure to use your space wisely will quickly lead to a cluttered home that feels far smaller than it is. Fortunately, there are a few tactics to make a small home feel cosy and spacious.

Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or a landlord looking to decorate a rented apartment, here are 6 interior design tips to make an apartment studio feel bigger.

Minimalist decor

Opting for a minimalist theme won’t just help maximise space, it will also help to keep your home looking current. Minimalism has become a trend in a range of industries and has become particularly popular in interior design in recent years.

When it comes to decorating, a minimalist effect will focus on simplicity and functionality. Essentially, every item will serve a function to ensure there’s no wasted space. For example, if you have a decorative coffee table in the centre of your living room, consider replacing it with a rug to save space.


If you’re trying to make a room look or feel bigger, don’t underestimate the power of illusion. There are many ways to create the illusion of extra space and mirrors are one of the best ways to do this.

The reflections of your mirror will create extra space that doesn’t really exist but does work to make your room feel bigger. Mirrors will also help your living spaces feel bigger by reflecting light around the room, ensuring even the darkest corners of your home are lit up.


When deciding on additions to your apartment or flat, choosing items that don’t take up too much space is key. Plants are a great option to achieve this. Adding some greenery to your home will make rooms feel brighter, while also making your space more welcoming and improving air quality.

Ornaments, decorative sculptures, and other homeware gifts serve a similar purpose working to add a bit more character to a living space without taking up too much room.

Wall mount your TV and shelves

When it comes to maximising space, wall mounting items is a cheat code. Consider your television and how much space it takes up if placed on a stand. Then consider how much space a wall-mounted TV takes up, barely any!

Think about which other items can be fixed to a wall. Swap your shelving units for wall shelves. You could even hang your kitchen accessories like pots, pans, and chopping boards on a wall. It will also declutter your cupboards which can become a problem when trying to hide objects when living in a small home.

Open-plan design

Open-plan spaces refer to homes that combine multiple rooms into one space through the removal of walls and doors. In apartments, it’s common for the kitchen and living space to be combined into one to create a larger living area.

Consider if any rooms could occupy just a corner in a larger room. For example, a reading room could be reduced to a reading corner in your living room to save space. This should also give you more ways to experiment with the interior design in your home.

Continuous flooring

Having the same floor throughout your apartment can create a similar effect to open-plan living spaces. This will create a consistent flow throughout your home and make your living space feel like one, rather than various rooms.

If your home has a connected kitchen and living space, opting for continuous flooring throughout will remove invisible dividers and create one large space.
